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Genetic influences and additional factors contributing to bipolar disorder

Genetic elements and additional influences connected to bipolar disorder

Genetic influences and additional elements linked to bipolar disorder
Genetic influences and additional elements linked to bipolar disorder

Genetic influences and additional factors contributing to bipolar disorder

Specialists aren't completely sure what triggers bipolar disorder, but if someone has a family member with this disorder, they're more likely to develop it themselves.

Bipolar disorder can cause intense mood swings, including extreme highs and melancholic lows. Every individual's experience varies, but this condition can seriously disrupt a person's life, affecting both personal and professional relationships.

Approximately 6.1% of Americans have bipolar disorder, and roughly 4.4% of U.S. adults will experience it at some point.

Is bipolar disorder hereditary?

While bipolar disorder isn't inherited, genetics significantly impact its development.

People don't usually inherit bipolar disorder; instead, genetics play a significant role in its development. If a person has a parent or sibling with bipolar disorder, their risk of developing the condition is around 5-10%. If they have an identical twin with bipolar disorder, their risk jumps to up to 70%.

On the contrary, the chance of developing bipolar disorder without a family history is extremely low — between 0.5-1.5%.

Medical experts also believe that bipolar disorder can bypass generations.

Bipolar disorder is a complex condition, and scientists don't fully understand the role genes play. It's likely that a combination of numerous genes increases a person's chance of developing this condition.

Other risk factors

Genes aren't the sole cause of bipolar disorder. Genes work in conjunction with environmental factors such as stress and lifestyle habits.

In a 2019 study review, researchers examined the effects of sleep deprivation on people with bipolar disorder. They discovered that lack of sleep can trigger manic episodes. Establishing a regular sleep-wake cycle is vital in stabilizing bipolar disorder symptoms.

Substance abuse, like excessive alcohol and drug use, can also trigger bipolar disorder symptoms. Around 56% of people with bipolar disorder have a history of substance misuse.

Occasionally, a bipolar disorder diagnosis follows an extremely stressful or traumatic event. Stress doesn't cause bipolar disorder, but it can trigger mood changes in certain individuals.

Common life stressors that can trigger symptoms include:

  • changing jobs or losing a job
  • experiencing a family death
  • going to college
  • going through a divorce

Treatment options

Various treatment options can help alleviate symptoms and improve overall well-being.

Medication is the most common treatment method. Doctors commonly prescribe mood stabilizers to prevent depressive and manic episodes.

Psychotherapy is another treatment approach. It helps individuals identify and modify problematic emotions, thoughts, and behaviors. Mental health professionals can assist individuals in managing bipolar disorder symptoms.

However, people may find it challenging to engage in or benefit from psychotherapy during a manic episode.

Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT) is another widely used therapy technique that aids individuals in changing their thought patterns and behaviors.

According to the American Psychological Association, CBT helps individuals recognize thought patterns that create problems and rethink them realistically.

CBT sessions may include strategies such as learning not to avoid fears, preparing for problematic interactions with others through role-play, and learning techniques to stay calm.

CBT can teach individuals to:

  • clearly identify problems
  • challenge incorrect assumptions
  • distinguish between irrational thoughts and facts
  • understand how past experiences affect feelings and beliefs
  • stop fearing the worst
  • focus on the present reality instead of how one thinks it should be
  • develop more positive thought patterns

Brain stimulation procedures, such as electroconvulsive transcranial magnetic stimulation, can help treat severe depressive and manic episodes when medication and talk therapy are ineffective.

When to seek help from a doctor

People with bipolar disorder may not realize they have the condition, even if their manic or depressive behavior disrupts their lives.

Once a doctor diagnoses the condition, individuals should regularly consult with them to evaluate the effectiveness of their treatment.

People with bipolar disorder should call 911 or a local emergency number if they have thoughts of suicide or self-harm. An individual can also call the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline 24 hours a day at 800-273-8255.

The takeaway

Although there's a strong genetic component to bipolar disorder, it's not the only factor.

Living with bipolar disorder can be challenging, but with certain lifestyle changes, medications, and talk therapy, it's possible to manage symptoms and lead a full, happy, and productive life.

Bipolar disorder is not directly inherited, but if someone has a family member with the condition, their risk of developing it is increased. This supports the idea that genetics play a significant role in the development of bipolar disorder.

It's worth noting that a person's risk of developing bipolar disorder significantly increases if they have an identical twin with the condition, suggesting that genetics can have a more significant impact in certain cases.

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