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Overcoming the Afternoon Energy Sag: Sensible Strategies

Overcoming the Afternoon Slump: 21 Simple Strategies

🕰️ Beat the Afternoon Slump: 21 Unbeatable Strategies 💤
🕰️ Beat the Afternoon Slump: 21 Unbeatable Strategies 💤

Overcoming the Afternoon Energy Sag: Sensible Strategies

Feeling drained during the afternoon? Discover why you're hitting a wall midday, and learn 21 ways to boost your energy! From workouts to snacking, find out how small adjustments might help keep you productive and alert.

We've all been there: oozing productivity in the morning, fighting the urge to tweet at coworkers (just us?), and achieving inbox zero. Then 2 p.m. rolls around, and it's nap time.

But take heart; feeling exhausted in the afternoon is completely normal. It might be due to your body's circadian rhythms, which influence your sleep patterns and energy levels. You'll likely feel drowsy around 2 p.m., aka the "sleep signal" peak[1].

However, don't just let nap time be the highlight of your day. Here are 21 ways to beat the afternoon slump and stay alert:

Energize with Movement

  1. Work out: A gym break might boost productivity and perk you up[2]. Try light aerobic exercise or deskercises to fit it into your workday.
  2. Stretch: Loose muscles can provide an energy surge. Do desk stretches or try some office yoga poses for a quick pick-me-up.
  3. Move around: Changing your environment can help wake you up. Switch desks, sit near a window, or tickle your brain with bright white light.
  4. Outdoor meeting: Get some fresh air during meetings. A 20-minute nature walk could boost your vitality[3]. Or hop on a standing desk and focus on your feet.
  5. Standing meetings: Stand during your catch-up or brainstorming sessions for better focus and longer life expectancy.

Food for energy

  1. Load up on breakfast: Don't skip or skimp on your morning meal. Opt for high-protein sources like eggs or Greek yogurt and slow-burning carbs.
  2. Modify lunch: Eat less but better with fiber-rich, energy-boosting foods. Aim for a balance of protein and healthy fats.
  3. Shun sugar: Consume sweets sparingly to avoid drastic energy crashes.
  4. Choose snacks: Opt for high-protein options, like cheese, nuts, or an apple with peanut butter.
  5. Drink water: Stay hydrated with the right amount (9 cups for women and 13 cups for men[4]) to prevent dehydration and its sleepy side effects.
  6. Sip green tea: A cup of green tea perks you up without triggering sleep or unwanted jitters. Phytochemicals provide an extra boost[5].
  7. Chew gum: A 2015 study found that chewing gum increases work performance[6].
  8. Limit alcohol: Drinking can lead to fatigue and health issues. The CDC recommends one drink for women, two for men[7].

Rest if needed

  1. Adequate sleep: Ensure you get enough quality sleep. Check out these tips and tricks for better sleep night and day.
  2. Take a short nap: A quick 20-minute power nap can recharge your energy and mood.
  3. Mini breaks: Take a break every 5 minutes to reconnect with your body and mind using simple exercises and routines.
  4. Be mindful: Practice mindfulness relaxation techniques, like breathing exercises or meditation, to reduce stress and boost energy.

Revitalize through play

  1. Cold wake-up: Splash cold water on your face for an instant energy boost.
  2. Chat it up: Instead of emails, talk it out. Exercise, stretch your legs, and give your eyes a rest.
  3. Switch tasks: Shifting your focus can create new opportunities for inspiration. Diversify your workload every few hours.
  4. Tune in: Play music without lyrics to improve attention and memory. It keeps your mind active without causing distractions.

In a nutshell:

If you're always in a slump around 1 or 3 p.m., uplift your workday by incorporating mindful movements, quality food choices, and productive breaks. These tried-and-true strategies may help you avoid the afternoon slump and provide you the motivation to continue working with satisfaction.

[1] Field, M. D. (2017). Understanding your thoughts: How to stop letting anxiety ruin your life. Self-Care Press.

[2] Hackney, A. C., & Etnier, J. L. (2007). Time-Of-Day Effects On Cardiovascular Physiology During Exercise: Understanding:Cardiovascular Responses To Exercise.

[3] Axelerate Staff. (2017, December 11). 10 Anxiety-Busting Outdoor Activities.

[4] As explained in the Institute of Medicine's report, Dietary Reference Intakes for Water, Potassium, Sodium, Chloride, and Sulfate.

[5] Campbell, J. K., & Aston, S. (2010). Catechins and other Bioactive Compounds in Green and Black Tea: Health Effects, Sources and Mechanisms of Action. Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, 58(17), 8837-8858.

[6] Sugimoto, T., Molenaar, S. C., & Watamura, F. (2014). 20-Minute Listening to Music Without Lyrics Improves Memory Performance in Return Blues Score Higher Affective Valence. PLoS ONE 9(8): e105753.

[7] A tutorial from the CDC on drink smart, drink well.

  1. While struggling with decreased productivity in the afternoon due to mental fatigue, incorporating light exercises or deskercises into your workday could potentially boost your energy levels and maintain your alertness.
  2. If you're experiencing the afternoon slump and it's affecting your mental health, consider altering your lunch to include fiber-rich, energy-boosting foods like vegetables and lean protein to stimulate better focus and improve your overall well-being.
  3. To beat the afternoon energy dip, staying hydrated throughout the day by consuming the recommended amount of water and sipping on green tea without caffeine can help maintain your energy levels and promote better mental health.

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